Thursday, January 12, 2006

Well you can see just another day with the buffer and lots of compound and time. The job gets done thou. Posted by Picasa

Taking the decals off is the easy part but to get the suntanned lined off the boat is the fun part. Without going to deep into the gel coat and with/out burning the damn boat. It's not the easiest thing to do better let ARDetailing handle it for ya. Posted by Picasa

On this boat all I had to do is just peel 5 layers of coating with a sander and die grinder. Easy... ton oh fun Posted by Picasa

This donzi is a pain because of the non-removable logo on both back ends of the boat, witch made it very difficult to detail and attempt to restore this boat... A miracle was needed and received Posted by Picasa

The heat from the motor causes the midsection to corrode in a manner that it almost looks like fungus on the back end and the sides of the midsection. Where the exhaust is and around it. Now if you can look to the left that's the finished deal. Posted by Picasa

These are the motors that were on the back of that brand new 270 Boston Whaler with the barnacle that were on the hull of the boat in other photos. Posted by Picasa

This was a lower unit that I made look like new after a mechanic got a hold of it with a blow torch cause the shaft was stuck, so they had to heat it up and hit with a hammer so that it would come loose. Posted by Picasa

This is the other side. Posted by Picasa

Well it's obvious this boat was at a certain price then got raised by $2,500 or $1,500 from what I was told from the job that I did to it. :p Posted by Picasa

This boat was and still is a brand new boat the owner lives in palm beach and left it in the water during the hurricanes season of 2004 and was brought to me in 2005 start of that year anyway this boat had barnacle and on the motors all the way up till the midsection of the motors witch you can see next photo shots. Posted by Picasa

Evening out patch work done by a fiberglass worker. Very tricky cause of the color matching job that needs to be so close, but the thing is when the coat is old it's even harder but there are tricks.